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About Us

Student smiling in Spanish class

Madison Heights is home to two signature programs for the Madison School District – Spanish Immersion and REACH-Profoundly Gifted. In 2009, the Madison School District launched a pilot foreign language program. The program has evolved into the current Spanish Immersion 50/50 program offered to students preschool-4th grade.

Spanish Immersion Program

The 50/50 model means that half of the academic content is learned in Spanish. At Madison Heights, Science, Socials Studies, and Language Arts are learned in Spanish, while Reading, Writing and Math are learned in English.  Our Immersion program uses a team approach where the teachers in a team consist of one teacher for Reading, Math and Writing and one Spanish Immersion teacher for Social Studies, Science and Spanish Language Arts. During the day the team will switch for instruction.

We are very proud of the accomplishments of our students in the Spanish Immersion program.  Students and teachers are working hard and our students love showing off their newly acquired bilingual skills.

Students in grades 5-8 have the opportunity to continue the Spanish Immersion program at Madison No. 1 Middle School.

REACH Program

REACH provides highly gifted students in grades 1-4 at Madison Heights the opportunity to function at an academic level that is commensurate with their abilities, while having the opportunity to interact socially with students who have similar interests and academic needs. REACH students generally work two grade levels ahead in subject areas, and explore in greater depth subjects that are socially and emotionally appropriate.

Students develop a differentiated educational plan in an area of interest that is researched and reported on in both oral and written presentations from first grade on.

The REACH program continues during grades 5-8 at Madison Park Middle School.

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