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Signature Programs

Baile Folklorico dancers at Madison Heights

Spanish Immersion

Madison Heights Elementary offers a 50/50 Spanish Immersion program where half of the academic content is learned in Spanish.

At Heights, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts are learned in Spanish. Reading, Writing, and Math are learned in English.

The Spanish Immersion program at Heights uses a team approach where the teachers in a team will consist of one teacher for Reading, Math and Writing and one Spanish Immersion teacher for Social Studies, Science and a Spanish Language class. During the day the team will switch for instruction. Also, students will start one morning receiving English instruction and the next morning receiving Spanish instruction and continue to alternate each morning.

Madison Heights has certified bilingual teachers in the classroom, utilizes the National ACTFL standards, and all students are assessed by the independent National AAPPL Assessment. Parents also receive reports on their child’s listening, reading, writing, and speaking ability.

Schedule a tour of the Spanish Immersion program

REACH - Profoundly Gifted

The Madison School district provides a self-contained accelerated program for those students who are profoundly gifted known as REACH, Rigorous, Enriched, Accelerated Curriculum for the Highly Gifted.

Teacher helping REACH student with button sorting activity

The REACH program for students in grades 1-4 is located at Madison Heights Elementary, grades 5-7 at Madison Park, and for 8th-grade students at Madison No. 1 Middle School.

REACH students receive curriculum two grade levels ahead and may earn one year of High School Foreign Language credit.

This program provides highly gifted students in grades 1-8 the opportunity to function at an academic level that is commensurate with their abilities, while having the opportunity to interact socially with students who have similar interests and academic needs.

Students receive a daily Spanish class, develop a differentiated educational plan (DEP) in an area of interest that is researched and reported on in both oral and written presentations, and take a class field trip such as to Catalina Island Marine Institute, AstroCamp, Pali Institute, etc.

REACH classes are taught by highly qualified appropriately certified gifted teachers in the classroom.

To qualify for REACH, students must score 99% on the COGAT or 139 on the WISC, or 142 on the Stanford Binet plus 80 percentile on the district math and reading assessment.

Schedule a tour of the REACH program

Developmental Preschool

The Developmental Preschool program is designed to meet the developmental needs of all children. Play is the primary means of encouraging skill development for children ages three through five. Realizing that children acquire skills when they are engaged learners, our program focuses on child-directed rather than teacher-directed activities. We facilitate this philosophy by combining music, movement, art, drama, large and small muscle activities, language, and concept development that are developmentally appropriate for students. Through social interaction and play, children learn to share, respect others, problem-solve appropriately, and understand how they can positively affect their environment.

Visit the Madison Heights Developmental Preschool’s website to learn more.

Schedule a tour of the Developmental Preschool program